Golden Blue

 "Life" is the name wanted by the Artist for this piece, the first of her "Light Works" after having found life and vitality again herself. Powerful energy and creativity, therefore creating, which is the origin of a new cycle of works. Life is the perfect name for summarizing the sense of this piece, a metaphorical revival represented by children, who, as angels, dominate the universe, bright and lively, the force of the waves that flows through the feet and the wind ruffling their hair, does not injure their innocent power. In this work of art, childhood is a metaphor for life, joy and optimism. Each new being comes into the world and is in the foreground, because it represents a new story being written, overwriting its past that stratifies
to re-set new times. The sea is then topped with layers of images that tell a contemporary story and history: Rome is of course recognizable with its domes and ancient gables; it is a beloved city for the artist and the theme to define the eternity of a majestic beauty.
At the centre and well in prospective, there is a triumph of violet flowers, onto which a rosette of concentric transparent circles rains down and whose rays are decorated with wrought iron elements. Then we find a circle that represents geometric perfection and the meaning of life which is fulfilled: a festive movement that draws the music of life. Along the same horizon, the perspective of Roman domes as seen from above, whilst on the opposite side a collection of cabinets displaying bottles of various alcoholic specialties, a symbol to mark the times of habits and alternative choices, which is the good or bad that life may indicate, leaving the responsibility to live a life, of free discretion.
At the top and along the sides, there are blurred bas-reliefs of gasping marble cherubs, representingengraved childhood symbols of a different meaning.
These grotesque cherubs have the air of little satyrs, so different from the gentle wonder of the real children, who we see in the picture’s foreground. Their metaphor is made up of innocent childhood teasing and bickering, pledged solemnly in baroque marble, like decorative elements and themes, of a past age, but has left immortal traces in roman art and architecture.
Life is therefore a work dominated by man's childhood, the freshness of life that faces the world, giving it a new force whilst being uncovered, like an eternal circle that changes forever. quelli veri, che stanno in primo piano nel quadro. La loro metafora dell’infanzia è fatta di innocenti dispetti e baruffe rese solenni nel marmo, come elementi decorativi e tematici del barocco e rappresentano un’età trascorsa che ha lasciato le tracce immortali nell’arte e nell’architettura .
Vita è dunque un’opera dove domina l’infanzia dell’uomo , la freschezza della vita che si affaccia al mondo e che mentre lo scopre gli rende nuova forza, come un cerchio che si rinnova eternamente .

Emanuela Dottorini Torlonia